Governing Diversity:
Different Paths to Nation
Building and Their Impact


ETHNICGOODS is a five-year research project funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant. It is hosted by the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals and led by Dr Matthias vom Hau.

Modern nation-states inevitably confront how to define national membership and regulate ethnic differences. Our goal is to map historical variations in nation-building policies and identify their unique consequences for a variety of substantive outcomes, including ethnic diversity, public service provision, and conflict. Based on this historical perspective, we will provide new evidence on the relationship between ethnic heterogeneity and development.

ETHNICGOODS is a five-year research project funded by a European Research Council Consolidator Grant. Our goal is to challenge the notion that ethnic heterogenicity dampens public assets. ETHNICGOODS envisions that the relationship between these factors as spurious and considers instead the role of modern nation-state formation.

Our project is hosted by the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals and led by Dr Matthias vom Hau. He will lead our research based on the historical construction of diversity to provide new evidence around the developmental consequences of ethnic heterogeneity.

Project introductory video

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